CDP Choline
CDP Choline is a naturally occuring variant of the B vitamin choline. It has been well studied and has a good record of beneficial qualities combined with good safety. CDP Choline has been shown that it inhibits somatistatin, and as a result, increases growth hormone secretion in human males 4 fold. This is a remarkable discovery and is the primary reason that it is used in the Time Machinne.
There is an impressive list of other brain related benefits associated with CDP Choline, as follows:
“Citicoline therapy improved verbal memory functioning in older individuals with relatively inefficient memories. Citicoline may prove effective in treating age related cognitive decline that may be the precursor of dementia.” Arch Neurol. 1996 May;53(5):4418. Citicoline improves verbal memory in aging. Spiers PA, Myers D, Hochanadel GS, Lieberman HR, Wurtman RJ.
“According to the present results, showing that citicoline improves memory performance in elderly subjects, we concluded that this molecule is suitable for the treatment of memory deficits in old people.” Methods Find Exp Clin Pharmacol. 1997 Apr;19(3):20110. Alvarez XA, Laredo M, Corzo D, FernandezNovoa L, Mouzo R, Perea JE, Daniele D, Cacabelos R.
“The increases in phosphodiesters seen in this study indicate that phospholipid synthesis and turnover were stimulated by 6 weeks of oral citicoline. These results in humans support previous in vitro and animal studies and suggest that the administration of oral citicoline may be of use in reversing agerelated changes in the brain.” Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2002 May;161(3):24854. Epub 2002 Mar 22. Babb SM, Wald LL, Cohen BM, Villafuerte RA, Gruber SA, YurgelunTodd DA, Renshaw PF.
“CDPCholine treatment demonstrated both symptomatic efficacy and a long lasting effect on cognition and behavior of these patients. Level of activation and attention responsiveness improved during treatment cycles and no further changes were identified of these variables in the followup period. Measures related to specific memory functioning showed, besides improvements during treatment, aftereffects still active in the followup period, suggesting a long lasting change of the cognitive decline trend characteristic of these patients.” Clin Ter. 1991 Jun 30;137(6):40313. Di Trapani G, Fioravanti M.
“Finally, treatment with CDPcholine 1000 mg/day for two 21day cycles in 237 patients suffering from brain aging determined a statistically significant improvement of the cognitive and behavioural parameters taken into consideration: independence/autonomous life; human relations/social life; interest and attentive capacity; individual behaviour. Therefore citicoline is confirmed as a valid therapeutic remedy for the clinical, functional and social recovery of these patients.” Minerva Med. 1990 Jun;81(6):46570. Serra F, Diaspri GP, Gasbarrini A, Giancane S, Rimondi A, Tame MR, Sakellaridis E, Bernardi M, Gasbarrini G.
“These results suggest that CDPcholine influences cognitive and cerebrovascular function in Alzheimer’s disease, probably through a mechanism linked to an immunogenic and/or neurotrophic effect at the microvascular niche.” Methods Find Exp Clin Pharmacol. 1994 Apr;16(3):2118. Caamano J, Gomez MJ, Franco A, Cacabelos R.
“The present data indicate that citicoline (1,000 mg/day) is well tolerated and improves cognitive performance, cerebral blood perfusion and the brain bioelectrical activity pattern in AD patients. According to our results, it seems that citicoline might be a useful treatment in Alzheimer’s disease, and that the efficacy of this compound is greater in patients with mild mental deterioration and/or bearing the epsilon 4 allele of the APOE.” Methods Find Exp Clin Pharmacol. 1999 Nov;21(9):63344. Alvarez XA, Mouzo R, Pichel V, Perez P, Laredo M, FernandezNovoa L, Corzo L, Zas R, Alcaraz M, Secades JJ, Lozano R, Cacabelos R.
The list goes on and on. CDP Choline has shown it’s remarkable abilities in clinical trials involving humans so many times, that it’s value as an irreplaceable nutrient is clear. The downfall is the cost. CDP Choline, even from reputable producers who specialize in isolating this compound is still expensive. It is the primary reason that the Time Machine costs what it does. However, the Time Machine cannot be compromised. Therefore CDP Choline is included.